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U-Cut Christmas Tree Farms | NW Washington

Well there's no shortage of trees in our neck of the woods (pun intended).

As you could imagine there are plenty of tree farms to choose from as well. I could make a giant list of them, but as I did some digging to see what's already out there, turns out that list has already been made!

It's a very long list!

So I'm going to take the easy way out with this blog and just share the link to their site.

Yeah, yeah, I know a link to another link, super lame!

But as soon as you visit you'll see why I'm not going to attempt the task.

So in this case, just visit their site, search your area and go exploring!

I will however share a couple favorites that I've taken my family to in the past.

The first one we really like is Pilchuck Secret Valle Tree Farm. It's out there. The adventure of getting to this farm will make the name seem apparent. The drive alone will make you feel like you're in the wrong spot, you aren't, then all of a sudden you pop out of the trees and the rough gravel road to the most beautiful little hidden valley you've every seen. At least that's what I thought the day we went a couple years ago. The staff was super helpful and they had a tree bundler machine that will help your tree stay put while you tow it home. If you live in the northern area of Snohomish County or are up for a little drive, this tree farm will make you feel like you've found another hidden gem of WA.

The tree farm we used this year was one called Hemstrom Valley Tree Farm.

There's a reason this farm is getting a lot of buzz online in our area, they are one of the few that charge ONLY by height of the tree, not the variety and species and all that. Real simple. When you arrive they show you where the measuring sticks are and you find the one that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, then you cut it down, pay by the foot, and you're set.

I did notice that there was a ton of taller trees at this farm. We ended up getting one that we felt was small when we cut it down, turns out it was a couple feet too tall for our house... oops!

Anyways, that's all I got for you on the Christmas tree farm thing. Let me know where you end up going and what you thought of the farm.

Happy Exploring!



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